ε Indi Ba, Bb: System mass via AO imaging of relative orbit (in prep).
Cardoso, C. V. ; McCaughrean, M. J.; King, R. R.; Close, L. M.;
Scholz, R.-D.; Lenzen, R.; Brandner, W.; Lodieu, N.; Zinnecker, H.;
Koehler R.; Konopacky, Q. M..
ε Indi Ba, Bb: Individual masses via wide-field absolute astrometry
(test to the evolutionary models) (in prep).
Cardoso, C. V. ; McCaughrean, M. J.; King, R. R.; Close, L. M.;
Scholz, R.-D.; Lenzen, R.; Brandner, W.; Lodieu, N.; Zinnecker, H.;
Koehler R.; Konopacky, Q. M..
A deep multi band photometric survey of the double cluster h & &Chi Persei (in prep).
Cardoso, C. V.; Moraux, E.; Bouvier, J..
(PDF) A deep photometric survey of the double cluster h & χ Persei.
Cardoso, C. V.; Moraux, E.; Bouvier, J.. 2010, Proceedings of JENAM 2010.
(PDF) Dynamical masses for the nearest brown dwarf binary: ε Indi Ba, Bb.
Cardoso, C. V. ; McCaughrean, M. J.; King, R. R.; Close, L. M.; Scholz, R.-D.; Lenzen, R.; Brandner, W.; Lodieu, N.; Zinnecker, H.; Koehler R.; Konopacky, Q. M.. 2010, XXVIIth IAU General Assembly proceedings, Highlights of Astronomy, Volume 15, p761.
(ADS) Dynamical masses for the nearest brown dwarf binary: ε Indi Ba, Bb.
Cardoso, C. V. ; McCaughrean, M. J.; King, R. R.; Close, L. M.; Scholz, R.-D.; Lenzen, R.; Brandner, W.; Lodieu, N.; Zinnecker, H.. 2009, Proceedings of Cool Stars XV, p509.
(ADS) Supernova 2008dq.
Dennefeld, M. et al. including Cardoso, C., 2008 CBET 1421, 1.