The Origin of Stellar Masses, Tenerife, Spain, 18 to 22 October 2010:
Dynamical masses of the brown dwarf binary: ε Indi Ba, Bb”.
JENAM 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 6 to 10 September 2010:
Poster: “A deep photometric survey of the double cluster h & χ Per”.
(Sub)millimeter Observing Techniques in the Herschel Era, Saclay, France,
19 to 21 May 2010.
Seminar at CAUP, Porto, Portugal, 16 December 2009:
Talk: “ε Indi Ba, Bb: dynamical masses for the nearest brown dwarf binary”.
FOST meeting at LAOG, Grenoble, France, 2nd October 2009:
Talk: “ε Indi Ba, Bb: dynamical masses for the nearest brown dwarf binary”.
Work Package 2 progress meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 14 to 17 September 2009:
Poster: “Dynamical masses for the nearest brown dwarf binary: Eps Indi Ba, Bb”.
Joint CONSTELLATION-ESA workshop on formation of brown dwarfs, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 9 to 11 September 2009:
Poster: “Dynamical masses for the nearest brown dwarf binary: Eps Indi Ba, Bb”.
IAU XXVII General Assembly - Special Session 7 – Young Stars, Brown Dwarfs, and Protoplanetary Disks , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 11 to 14 August 2009:
Talk: “ε Indi Ba, Bb: Dynamical masses for the nearest brown dwarf binary”.
Third CONSTELLATION School: “X-rays from Star Forming Regions”, Palermo, Sicily, 18 to 22 May, 2009:
Talk: “Epsilon Indi Ba, Bb: dynamical masses for the nearest brown dwarf binary”.
Second CONSTELLATION School: "Numerical astrophysics and its role in star formation”, Cardiff, Wales, 19 to 23 January, 2009.
Work Package 3 progress meeting, Grenoble, France, 6 and 7 January 2009.
Cool Stars XV, St Andrews, Scotland, 21 to 25 July 2008.
Poster: “Dynamical masses for the nearest brown dwarf binary: ε Indi Ba, Bb”.
Seventh NEON Observing School, La Palma, Spain, 23June to 5 July 2008.
First CONSTELLATION school: “Star Formation at Infrared Waelengths”, Arcetri, Italy, 27 to 29 May 2008.
National Astronomy Meeting 2008, Belfast, U.K., 31 March to 4 April 2008.
Work Package 3 kick-off meeting, Lyon, France, 8 and 9 January 2008.
Participation on the 2nd (2004), 4th (2006) and 5th (2007) “Sciences, Education and Innovation Fair”, with FCUP and CAUP, Porto, Portugal.