I am a final year PhD student in the Astrophysics Group at the University of Exeter, U.K.
I am an Early Stage Researcher Marie Curie Fellow hired by the CONSTELLATION RTN. CONSTELLATION is a European Commission Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) Marie Curie Research Training Network (MRTN-CT-2006-035890).
Research Interests
Stellar formation and evolution, initial mass function, and brown dwarfs.
Current Research
I am working on absolute and relative astrometry of the closest brown dwarf binary system to Earth &epsilon Indi Ba, Bb. We have calculated dynamical masses (system mass and individual masses) with very high precision completely independent of the evolutionary models. We used data from NACO and FORS2 on the VLT. This work is being developed under the supervision of Mark J. McCaughrean.
- I am also doing a study of the low mass end of the IMF for the double cluster h & &Chi Persei using I, Y, J, H and Ks data from WIRCAM and MEGACAM. This work is being developed at LAOG, Grenoble, with Jerome Bouvier and Estelle Moraux.