AST/RO Lupus Datacubes

AST/RO 13CO 2-1 and CO 4-3 datacubes towards Lupus I, III, and IV. These data are published as Tothill et al, in prep. The temperature scale is TA*; for AST/RO, this is essentially identical to TR*. The Vlsr extent of all cubes is -50 km/s to +50 km/s. The cubes were regridded by nearest-neighbour resampling onto 1 arcminute (13CO 2-1) and 0.5 arcminute (CO 4-3) grids, with a positional tolerance of 0.5 arcmin and 0.25 arcmin respectively. They do not include the Bessel regridding mentioned in the paper.

The 13CO 2-1 map of Lupus III covers both the main Lupus III cloud and the small cloud to its north, Lupus III N. The two clouds are mapped separately in CO 4--3.

The Lupus IV maps seem to have a pointing error of about 1.5 arcmin in declination; this has not been removed from the data (see Tothill et al for details).

The data are public, and you are welcome to use them. If you do so, a citation to Tothill et al would be appreciated.