An up-to-date list of my publications can be found on NASA's ADS.
2010 (4 refereed)
Refereed Publications
OGLE-2009-BLG-092/MOA-2009-BLG-137: A Dramatic Repeating Event with the Second Perturbation Predicted by Real-time Analysis, Ryu, Y.-H.; Han, C.; Hwang, K.-H.; Street, R.; Udalski, A.; Sumi, T.; Fukui, A.; Beaulieu, J.-P.; Gould, A.; Dominik, M.; Abe, F.; Bennett, D. P.; Bond, I. A.; Botzler, C. S.; Furusawa, K.; Hayashi, F.; Hearnshaw, J. B.; Hosaka, S.; Itow, Y.; Kamiya, K.; Kilmartin, P. M.; Korpela, A.; Lin, W.; Ling, C. H.; Makita, S.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Muraki, Y.; Nishimoto, K.; Ohnishi, K.; Perrott, Y. C.; Rattenbury, N.; Saito, To.; Skuljan, L.; Sullivan, D. J.; Suzuki, D.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Wada, K.; Yock, P. C. M.; The MOA Collaboration; Szymanski, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzynski, G.; Poleski, R.; Soszynski, I.; Szewczyk, O.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Ulaczyk, K.; The OGLE Collaboration; Bos, M.; Christie, G. W.; Depoy, D. L.; Gal-Yam, A.; Gaudi, B. S.; Kaspi, S.; Lee, C.-U.; Maoz, D.; McCormick, J.; Monard, B.; Moorhouse, D.; Pogge, R. W.; Polishook, D.; Shvartzvald, Y.; Shporer, A.; Thornley, G.; Yee, J. C.; The muFUN Collaboration; Albrow, M. D.; Batista, V.; Brillant, S.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Corrales, E.; Coutures, Ch.; Dieters, S.; Fouqué, P.; Greenhill, J.; Menzies, J.; The PLANET Collaboration; Allan, A.; Bramich, D. M.; Browne, P.; Horne, K.; Kains, N.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I.; Tsapras, Y.; The RoboNet Collaboration; Bozza, V.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Calchi Novati, S.; Dreizler, S.; Finet, F.; Glitrup, M.; Grundahl, F.; Harpsøe, K.; Hessman, F. V.; Hinse, T. C.; Hundertmark, M.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Liebig, C.; Maier, G.; Mancini, L.; Mathiasen, M.; Rahvar, S.; Ricci, D.; Scarpetta, G.; Skottfelt, J.; Surdej, J.; Southworth, J.; Wambsganss, J.; Zimmer, F.; The MiNDSTEp Collaboration ; The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 723, Issue 1, pp. 81-88 (2010).
Frequency of Solar-like Systems and of Ice and Gas Giants Beyond the Snow Line from High-magnification Microlensing Events in 2005-2008, Gould, A.; Dong, Subo; Gaudi, B. S.; Udalski, A.; Bond, I. A.; Greenhill, J.; Street, R. A.; Dominik, M.; Sumi, T.; Szymanski, M. K.; Han, C.; Allen, W.; Bolt, G.; Bos, M.; Christie, G. W.; DePoy, D. L.; Drummond, J.; Eastman, J. D.; Gal-Yam, A.; Higgins, D.; Janczak, J.; Kaspi, S.; Kozlowski, S.; Lee, C.-U.; Mallia, F.; Maury, A.; Maoz, D.; McCormick, J.; Monard, L. A. G.; Moorhouse, D.; Morgan, N.; Natusch, T.; Ofek, E. O.; Park, B.-G.; Pogge, R. W.; Polishook, D.; Santallo, R.; Shporer, A.; Spector, O.; Thornley, G.; Yee, J. C.; muFUN Collaboration; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzynski, G.; Soszynski, I.; Szewczyk, O.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Ulaczyk, K.; Poleski, R.; OGLE Collaboration; Abe, F.; Bennett, D. P.; Botzler, C. S.; Douchin, D.; Freeman, M.; Fukui, A.; Furusawa, K.; Hearnshaw, J. B.; Hosaka, S.; Itow, Y.; Kamiya, K.; Kilmartin, P. M.; Korpela, A.; Lin, W.; Ling, C. H.; Makita, S.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Muraki, Y.; Nagaya, M.; Nishimoto, K.; Ohnishi, K.; Okumura, T.; Perrott, Y. C.; Philpott, L.; Rattenbury, N.; Saito, To.; Sako, T.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; von Seggern, E.; Yock, P. C. M.; MOA Collaboration; Albrow, M.; Batista, V.; Beaulieu, J. P.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J.; Calitz, J. J.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Cook, K.; Coutures, C.; Dieters, S.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Fouqué, P.; Hill, K.; Hoffman, M.; Jablonski, F.; Kane, S. R.; Kains, N.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J.-B.; Martin, R.; Martioli, E.; Meintjes, P.; Menzies, J.; Pedretti, E.; Pollard, K.; Sahu, K. C.; Vinter, C.; Wambsganss, J.; Watson, R.; Williams, A.; Zub, M.; PLANET Collaboration; Allan, A.; Bode, M. F.; Bramich, D. M.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Clay, N.; Fraser, S.; Hawkins, E.; Horne, K.; Kerins, E.; Lister, T. A.; Mottram, C.; Saunders, E. S.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I. A.; Tsapras, Y.; RoboNet Collaboration; Jørgensen, U. G.; Anguita, T.; Bozza, V.; Calchi Novati, S.; Harpsøe, K.; Hinse, T. C.; Hundertmark, M.; Kjærgaard, P.; Liebig, C.; Mancini, L.; Masi, G.; Mathiasen, M.; Rahvar, S.; Ricci, D.; Scarpetta, G.; Southworth, J.; Surdej, J.; Thöne, C. C.; MiNDSTEp Consortium; The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 720, Issue 2, pp. 1073-1089 (2010).
OGLE 2008-BLG-290: an accurate measurement of the limb darkening of a galactic bulge K Giant spatially resolved by microlensing, Fouqué, P.; Heyrovský, D.; Dong, S.; Gould, A.; Udalski, A.; Albrow, M. D.; Batista, V.; Beaulieu, J.-P.; Bennett, D. P.; Bond, I. A.; Bramich, D. M.; Calchi Novati, S.; Cassan, A.; Coutures, C.; Dieters, S.; Dominik, M.; Dominis Prester, D.; Greenhill, J.; Horne, K.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Kozlowski, S.; Kubas, D.; Lee, C.-H.; Marquette, J.-B.; Mathiasen, M.; Menzies, J.; Monard, L. A. G.; Nishiyama, S.; Papadakis, I.; Street, R.; Sumi, T.; Williams, A.; Yee, J. C.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cole, A.; Cook, K. H.; Donatowicz, J.; Kains, N.; Kane, S. R.; Martin, R.; Pollard, K. R.; Sahu, K. C.; Tsapras, Y.; Wambsganss, J.; Depoy, D. L.; Gaudi, B. S.; Han, C.; Lee, C.-U.; Park, B.-G.; Kubiak, M.; Szymanski, M. K.; Pietrzynski, G.; Soszynski, I.; Szewczyk, O.; Ulaczyk, K.; Abe, F.; Fukui, A.; Furusawa, K.; Gilmore, A. C.; Hearnshaw, J. B.; Itow, Y.; Kamiya, K.; Kilmartin, P. M.; Korpela, A. V.; Lin, W.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Muraki, Y.; Nagaya, M.; Ohnishi, K.; Okumura, T.; Perrott, Y.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Saito, To.; Sako, T.; Sato, S.; Skuljan, L.; Sullivan, D.; Sweatman, W.; Tristram, P. J.; Allan, A.; Bode, M. F.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Clay, N.; Fraser, S. N.; Hawkins, E.; Kerins, E.; Lister, T. A.; Mottram, C. J.; Saunders, E. S.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I. A.; Anguita, T.; Bozza, V.; Harpsøe, K.; Hinse, T. C.; Hundertmark, M.; Kjærgaard, P.; Liebig, C.; Mancini, L.; Masi, G.; Rahvar, S.; Ricci, D.; Scarpetta, G.; Southworth, J.; Surdej, J.; Thöne, C. C.; Riffeser, A.; Seitz, S.; Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 518, id.A51
Masses and Orbital Constraints for the OGLE-2006-BLG-109Lb,c Jupiter/Saturn Analog Planetary System, Bennett, D. P.; Rhie, S. H.; Nikolaev, S.; Gaudi, B. S.; Udalski, A.; Gould, A.; Christie, G. W.; Maoz, D.; Dong, S.; McCormick, J.; Szymanski, M. K.; Tristram, P. J.; Macintosh, B.; Cook, K. H.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzynski, G.; Soszynski, I.; Szewczyk, O.; Ulaczyk, K.; Wyrzykowski, L.; The OGLE Collaboration; DePoy, D. L.; Han, C.; Kaspi, S.; Lee, C.-U.; Mallia, F.; Natusch, T.; Park, B.-G.; Pogge, R. W.; Polishook, D.; The muFUN Collaboration; Abe, F.; Bond, I. A.; Botzler, C. S.; Fukui, A.; Hearnshaw, J. B.; Itow, Y.; Kamiya, K.; Korpela, A. V.; Kilmartin, P. M.; Lin, W.; Ling, J.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Motomura, M.; Muraki, Y.; Nakamura, S.; Okumura, T.; Ohnishi, K.; Perrott, Y. C.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Sako, T.; Saito, To.; Sato, S.; Skuljan, L.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sumi, T.; Sweatman, W. L.; Yock, P. C. M.; The MOA Collaboration; Albrow, M.; Allan, A.; Beaulieu, J.-P.; Bramich, D. M.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Coutures, C.; Dominik, M.; Dieters, S.; Fouqué, P.; Greenhill, J.; Horne, K.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I.; Tsapras, Y.; PLANET, From the; RoboNet Collaborations; Chaboyer, B.; Crocker, A.; Frank, S.; The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 713, Issue 2, pp. 837-855 (2010).
Other Publications
No other publications.
2009 (3 refereed, 1 other)
Refereed Publications
Interpretation of Strong Short-Term Central Perturbations in the Light Curves of Moderate-Magnification Microlensing Events, Han, C.; Hwang, K.-H.; Kim, D.; Udalski, A.; Abe, F.; Monard, L. A. B.; Mc Cormick, J.; Szymanski, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzynski, G.; Soszynski, I.; Szewczyk, O.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Ulaczyk, K.; The OGLE Collaboration; Bond, I. A.; Botzler, C. S.; Fukui, A.; Furusawa, K.; Hearnshaw, J. B.; Itow, Y.; Kamiya, K.; Kilmartin, P. M.; Korpela, A.; Lin, W.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Muraki, Y.; Nagaya, M.; Ohnishi, K.; Tokumura, T.; Perrott, Y. C.; Rattenbury, N.; Saito, To.; Sako, T.; Skuljan, L.; Sullivan, D. S.; Sumi, T.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Yock, P. C. M.; The MOA Collaboration; Allen, W.; Christie, G. W.; De Poy, D. L.; Dong, S.; Gaudi, B. S.; Gould, A.; Lee, C.-U.; Natusch, T.; Park, B.-G.; Pogge, R. W.; The muFUN Collaboration; Albrow, M. D.; Allan, A.; Batista, V.; Beaulieu, J. P.; Bennett, D. P.; Brillant, S.; Bode, M.; Bramich, D. M.; Burgdorf, M.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Calitz, H.; Cassan, A.; Corrales, E.; Dieters, S.; Prester, D. D.; Dominik, M.; Donatowicz, J.; Fouque, P.; Greenhill, J.; Hill, K.; Hoffman, M.; Horne, K.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Kains, N.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J. B.; Martin, R.; Meintjes, P.; Menzies, J.; Pollard, K. R.; Sahu, K. C.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I.; Street, R.; Tsapras, Y.; Wambsganss, J.; Williams, A.; Zub, M.; The PLANET/Robo Net Collaboration; The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 705, Issue 2, pp. 1116-1121 (2009).
The Extreme Microlensing Event OGLE-2007-BLG-224: Terrestrial Parallax Observation of a Thick-Disk Brown Dwarf, Gould, A.; Udalski, A.; Monard, B.; Horne, K.; Dong, Subo; Miyake, N.; Sahu, K.; Bennett, D. P.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Soszynski, I.; Szymanski, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzynski, G.; Szewczyk, O.; Ulaczyk, K.; The OGLE Collaboration; Allen, W.; Christie, G. W.; DePoy, D. L.; Gaudi, B. S.; Han, C.; Lee, C.-U.; McCormick, J.; Natusch, T.; Park, B.-G.; Pogge, R. W.; The muFUN Collaboration; Allan, A.; Bode, M. F.; Bramich, D. M.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Dominik, M.; Fraser, S. N.; Kerins, E.; Mottram, C.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I. A.; Street, R.; Tsapras, Y.; The Robo Net Collaboration; Abe, F.; Bond, I. A.; Botzler, C. S.; Fukui, A.; Furusawa, K.; Hearnshaw, J. B.; Itow, Y.; Kamiya, K.; Kilmartin, P. M.; Korpela, A.; Lin, W.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Muraki, Y.; Nagaya, M.; Ohnishi, K.; Okumura, T.; Perrott, Y. C.; Rattenbury, N.; Saito, To.; Sako, T.; Skuljan, L.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sumi, T.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Yock, P. C. M.; The MOA Collaboration; Albrow, M.; Beaulieu, J. P.; Coutures, C.; Calitz, H.; Caldwell, J.; Fouque, P.; Martin, R.; Williams, A.; The PLANET Collaboration ; The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 698, Issue 2, pp. L147-L151 (2009).
RoboNet-II: Follow-up observations of microlensing events with a robotic network of telescopes, Tsapras, Y.; Street, R.; Horne, K.; Snodgrass, C.; Dominik, M.; Allan, A.; Steele, I.; Bramich, D. M.; Saunders, E. S.; Rattenbury, N.; Mottram, C.; Fraser, S.; Clay, N.; Burgdorf, M.; Bode, M.; Lister, T. A.; Hawkins, E.; Beaulieu, J. P.; Fouqué, P.; Albrow, M.; Menzies, J.; Cassan, A.; Dominis-Prester, D.; Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.330, Issue 1, p.4
Other Publications
Architectures for Time-domain Astronomy, Seaman, R.; Allan, A.; Pierfederici, F.; Williams, R.; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVIII ASP Conference Series, Vol. 411, proceedings of the conference held 2-5 November 2008 at Hotel Loews Le Concorde, Québec City, QC, Canada. Edited by David A. Bohlender, Daniel Durand, and Patrick Dowler. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2009., p.547
2008 (6 refereed, 3 other)
Refereed Publications
Discovery of a Jupiter/Saturn Analog with Gravitational Microlensing, Gaudi, B. S.; Bennett, D. P.; Udalski, A.; Gould, A.; Christie, G. W.; Maoz, D.; Dong, S.; McCormick, J.; Szymanski, M. K.; Tristram, P. J.; Nikolaev, S.; Paczynski, B.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzynski, G.; Soszynski, I.; Szewczyk, O.; Ulaczyk, K.; Wyrzykowski, L.; DePoy, D. L.; Han, C.; Kaspi, S.; Lee, C.-U.; Mallia, F.; Natusch, T.; Pogge, R. W.; Park, B.-G.; Abe, F.; Bond, I. A.; Botzler, C. S.; Fukui, A.; Hearnshaw, J. B.; Itow, Y.; Kamiya, K.; Korpela, A. V.; Kilmartin, P. M.; Lin, W.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Motomura, M.; Muraki, Y.; Nakamura, S.; Okumura, T.; Ohnishi, K.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Sako, T.; Saito, To.; Sato, S.; Skuljan, L.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sumi, T.; Sweatman, W. L.; Yock, P. C. M.; Albrow, M. D.; Allan, A.; Beaulieu, J.-P.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Cook, K. H.; Coutures, C.; Dominik, M.; Dieters, S.; Fouqué, P.; Greenhill, J.; Horne, K.; Steele, I.; Tsapras, Y.; Chaboyer, B.; Crocker, A.; Frank, S.; Macintosh, B.; Science, Volume 319, Issue 5865, pp. 927- (2008).
An autonomous adaptive scheduling agent for period searching, Saunders, E. S.; Naylor, T.; Allan, A.; Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.329, Issue 3, p.321
Integrating VOEvents with AstroGrid through STAP services, Auden, E.; Allan, A.; Benson, K.; Dalla, S.; Winstanley, N.; Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.329, Issue 3, p.307
Autonomous software: Myth or magic?, Allan, A.; Naylor, T.; Saunders, E. S.; Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.329, Issue 3, p.266
ARTEMiS (Automated Robotic Terrestrial Exoplanet Microlensing Search): A possible expert-system based cooperative effort to hunt for planets of Earth mass and below, Dominik, M.; Horne, K.; Allan, A.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Tsapras, Y.; Snodgrass, C.; Bode, M. F.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Fraser, S. N.; Kerins, E.; Mottram, C. J.; Steele, I. A.; Street, R. A.; Wheatley, P. J.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.329, Issue 3, p.248
An overview of the heterogeneous telescope network system: Concept, scalability and operation, White, R. R.; Allan, A.; Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.329, Issue 3, p.232
Other Publications
Transient Event Reporting and Response with VOEvent, Seaman, R.; Allan, A.; Williams, R.; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems ASP Conference Series, Vol. 394, Proceedings of the conference held 23-26 September, 2007, in Kensington Town Hall, London, United Kingdom. Edited by Robert W. Argyle, Peter S. Bunclark, and James R. Lewis., p.213
The WEB-plop observation prioritisation system, Snodgrass, C.; Tsapras, Y.; Street, R.; Bramich, D.; Horne, K.; Dominik, M.; Allan, A.; "Introduction to Microlensing", in Proceedings of the Manchester Microlensing Conference: The 12th International Conference and ANGLES Microlensing Workshop, eds. E. Kerins, S. Mao, N. Rattenbury and L. Wyrzykowski. Published online at SISSA, Proceedings of Science., p.56
ARTEMiS (Automated Robotic Terrestrial Exoplanet Microlensing Search) -- Hunting for planets of Earth mass and below, Dominik, Martin; Horne, Keith; Allan, Alasdair; Rattenbury, Nicholas J.; Tsapras, Yiannis; Snodgrass, Colin; Bode, Michael F.; Burgdorf, Martin J.; Fraser, Stephen N.; Kerins, Eamonn; Mottram, Christopher J.; Steele, Iain A.; Street, Rachel A.; Wheatley, Peter J.; Wyrzykowski, Lukasz; Exoplanets: Detection, Formation and Dynamics, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 249, p. 35-41
2007 (2 refereed, 7 other)
Refereed Publications
An anomaly detector with immediate feedback to hunt for planets of Earth mass and below by microlensing, Dominik, M.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Allan, A.; Mao, S.; Bramich, D. M.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Kerins, E.; Tsapras, Y.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 380, Issue 2, pp. 792-804.
Telescope and instrument robotization at Dome C, Strassmeier, K. G.; Agabi, K.; Agnoletto, L.; Allan, A.; Andersen, M. I.; Ansorge, W.; Bortoletto, F.; Briguglio, R.; Buey, J.-T.; Castellini, S.; Coudédu Foresto, V.; Damé, L.; Deeg, H. J.; Eiroa, C.; Durand, G.; Fappani, D.; Frezzotti, M.; Granzer, T.; Gröschke, A.; Kärcher, H. J.; Lenzen, R.; Mancini, A.; Montanari, C.; Mora, A.; Pierre, A.; Pirnay, O.; Roncella, F.; Schmider, F.-X.; Steele, I.; Storey, J. W. V.; Tothill, N. F. H.; Travouillon, T.; Vittuari, L. ; Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.328, Issue 6, p.451
Other Publications
Supernovae 2007nm, 2007nn, 2007no, and 2007np, Djorgovski, S. G.; Drake, A. J.; Mahabal, A.; Donalek, C.; Glikman, E.; Graham, M. J.; Williams, R.; Baltay, C.; Rabinowitz, D.; Bauer, A.; Scalzo, R.; Elman, N.; Jerke, J.; Thomas, R.; Nugent, P.; Hennawi, J.; Myers, A.; Allan, A.; Steele, I.; Brown, T.; Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, 1105, 1 (2007). Edited by Green, D. W. E.
Revised Classification for SN 2007nm/PQT 071008:224527+103932, Djorgovski, S. G.; Drake, A. J.; Mahabal, A.; Donalek, C.; Glikman, E.; Graham, M. J.; Williams, R.; Baltay, C.; Rabinowitz, D.; Bauer, A.; Scalzo, R.; Ellman, N.; Jerke, J.; Thomas, R. C.; Nugent, P.; Hennawi, J.; Myers, A.; Allan, A.; Steele, I.; Brown, T.; The Astronomer's Telegram, #1250
Photometric Follow-up of Transients from the PQ Survey, Mahabal, A.; Drake, A. J.; Djorgovski, S. G.; Donalek, C.; Glikman, E.; Graham, M. J.; Williams, R.; Steele, I.; Clay, N.; Brown, T.; Allan, A.; Saunders, E.; Naylor, T.; Nugent, P. E.; Baltay, C.; Rabinowitz, D.; Bauer, A.; Scalzo, R.; Elman, N.; Jerke, J.; The Astronomer's Telegram, #1244
Spectroscopy of Optical Transients From the PQ Survey, Djorgovski, S. G.; Drake, A. J.; Mahabal, A.; Donalek, C.; Glikman, E.; Graham, M. J.; Williams, R.; Baltay, C.; Rabinowitz, D.; Bauer, A.; Scalzo, R.; Elman, N.; Jerke, J.; Thomas, R.; Nugent, P.; Hennawi, J.; Myers, A.; Allan, A.; Steele, I.; Brown, T.; The Astronomer's Telegram, #1240
The Emerging Infrastructure of Autonomous Astronomy, Seaman, R.; Allan, A.; Axelrod, T.; Cook, K.; White, R.; Williams, R.; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVI ASP Conference Series, Vol. 376, proceedings of the conference held 15-18 October 2006 in Tucson, Arizona, USA. Edited by Richard A. Shaw, Frank Hill and David J. Bell., p.683
Seamless Distributed Observing with eSTAR, Allan, A.; Naylor, T.; White, R. R.; Seaman, R. L.; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVI ASP Conference Series, Vol. 376, proceedings of the conference held 15-18 October 2006 in Tucson, Arizona, USA. Edited by Richard A. Shaw, Frank Hill and David J. Bell., p.81
Hunting for Frozen Super-Earths via Microlensing, Beaulieu, Jean-Philippe; Albrow, Michael; Bennett, Dave; Brillang, Stéphane; Caldwell, John A. R.; Calitz, Johannes J.; Cassan, Arnaud; Cook, Kem H.; Coutures, Christian; Dieters, Stefan; Dominik, Martin; Dominis-Prester, Dijana; Donatowicz, Jadzia; Fouqué, Pascal; Greenhill, John; Hill, Kym; Hoffman, Matie; Jørgensen, Uffe G.; Kane, Stephen; Kubas, Daniel; Marquette, Jean-Baptiste; Martin, Ralph; Meintjes, Pieter; Menzies, John; Pollard, Karen; Sahu, Kailash; Vinter, Christian; Wambsganss, Joachim; Williams, Andrew; Woller, Kristian; Zub, Marta; Horne, Keith; Allan, Alasdair; Bode, Mike; Bramich, Daniel M.; Burgdorf, Martin; Fraser, Stephen; Mottram, Chris; Rattenbury, Nicholas; Snodgrass, Colin; Steele, Iain; Tsapras, Yiannis; The Messenger, volume 128, page 33
2006 (7 refereed, 4 other)
Refereed Publications
Time-sensitive astronomy in non-robotic telescopes, Economou, F.; Jenness, T.; Cavanagh, B.; Adamson, A. J.; Allan, A.; Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.327, Issue 8, p.788
Metrics for agent observers, Saunders, E. S.; Naylor, T.; Allan, A.; Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.327, Issue 8, p.783
Astronomical network event and observation notification, White, R. R.; Allan, A.; Barthelmy, S.; Bloom, J.; Graham, M.; Hessman, F. V.; Marka, S.; Rots, A.; Scholberg, K.; Seaman, R.; Stoughton, C.; Vestrand, W. T.; Williams, R.; Wozniak, P. R.; Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.327, Issue 8, p.775
The eSTAR network - agent architectures for astronomy, Allan, A.; Naylor, T.; Saunders, E. S.; Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.327, Issue 8, p.767
A protocol standard for heterogeneous telescope networks, Allan, A.; Hessman, F.; Bischoff, K.; Burgdorf, M.; Cavanagh, B.; Christian, D.; Clay, N.; Dickens, R.; Economou, F.; Fadavi, M.; Fraser, S.; Granzer, T.; Grosvenor, S.; Jenness, T.; Koratkar, A.; Lehner, M.; Mottram, C.; Naylor, T.; Saunders, E.; Solomos, N.; Steele, I.; Tuparev, G.; Vestrand, T.; White, R.; Yost, S.; Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.327, Issue 8, p.744
Heterogenous telescope networks: An introduction, Naylor, T.; Allan, A.; Steele, I. A.; Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.327, Issue 8, p.741
Optimal placement of a limited number of observations for period searches, Saunders, E. S.; Naylor, T.; Allan, A.; Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 455, Issue 2, August IV 2006, pp.757-763
Other Publications
Interconnecting astronomical networks: evolving from single networks to meta-networks, White, R. R.; Allan, A.; Evans, S.; Vestrand, W. T.; Wren, J.; Wozniak, P.; Advanced Software and Control for Astronomy. Edited by Lewis, Hilton; Bridger, Alan. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6274, pp. 627409 (2006).
What do telescopes, databases and compute clusters have in common?, Allan, A.; Adamson, A.; Cavanagh, B.; Economou, F.; Fraser, S.; Jenness, T.; Mottram, C.; Naylor, T.; Saunders, E. S.; Steele, I. A.; Vestrand, W. T.; White, R. R.; Wozniak, P. R.; Advanced Software and Control for Astronomy. Edited by Lewis, Hilton; Bridger, Alan. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6274, pp. 627408 (2006).
Networking observers and observatories with remote telescope markup language, Hessman, Frederic V.; Tuparev, Georg; Allan, Alasdair; Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems. Edited by Silva, David R.; Doxsey, Rodger E.. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6270, pp. 62700L (2006).
Operating a heterogeneous telescope network, Allan, Alasdair; Bischoff, Karsten; Burgdorf, Martin; Cavanagh, Brad; Christian, Damien; Clay, Neil; Dickens, Rob; Economou, Frossie; Fadavi, Mehri; Frazer, Stephen; Granzer, Thomas; Grosvenor, Sandy; Hessman, Frederic V.; Jenness, Tim; Koratkar, Anuradha; Lehner, Matthew; Mottram, Chris; Naylor, Tim; Saunders, Eric S.; Solomos, Nikolaos; Steele, Iain A.; Tuparev, Georg; Vestrand, W. Thomas; White, Robert R.; Yost, Sarah ; Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems. Edited by Silva, David R.; Doxsey, Rodger E.. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6270, pp. 62700H (2006).
2005 (1 refereed, 5 other)
Refereed Publications
The masses, radii and luminosities of the components of U Geminorum, Naylor, T.; Allan, A.; Long, K. S.; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 361, Issue 3, pp. 1091-1101.
Other Publications
Architecture of the WFCAM/eSTAR Transient Object Detection Agent, Cavanagh, B.; Allan, A.; Jenness, T.; Economou, F.; Hirst, P.; Adamson, A.; Naylor, T.; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV ASP Conference Series, Vol. 347, Proceedings of the Conference held 24-27 October, 2004 in Pasadena, California, USA. Edited by P. Shopbell, M. Britton, and R. Ebert. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2005., p.504
FROG: Time Series Analysis for the Web Service Era, Allan, A.; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV ASP Conference Series, Vol. 347, Proceedings of the Conference held 24-27 October, 2004 in Pasadena, California, USA. Edited by P. Shopbell, M. Britton, and R. Ebert. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2005., p.370
Porting the Starlink Software Collection to GNU Autotools, Gray, N.; Jenness, T.; Allan, A.; Berry, D. S.; Currie, M. J.; Draper, P. W.; Taylor, M. B.; Cavanagh, B.; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV ASP Conference Series, Vol. 347, Proceedings of the Conference held 24-27 October, 2004 in Pasadena, California, USA. Edited by P. Shopbell, M. Britton, and R. Ebert. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2005., p.119
Starlink Software Developments, Draper, P. W.; Allan, A.; Berry, D. S.; Currie, M. J.; Giaretta, D.; Rankin, S.; Gray, N.; Taylor, M. B.; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV ASP Conference Series, Vol. 347, Proceedings of the Conference held 24-27 October, 2004 in Pasadena, California, USA. Edited by P. Shopbell, M. Britton, and R. Ebert. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2005., p.22
U Gem spectroscopy (Naylor+, 2005), Naylor, T.; Allan, A.; Long, K. S.; VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/MNRAS/361/1091. Originally published in: 2005MNRAS.361.1091N
2004 ( 4 other)
Refereed Publications
No refereed publications.
Other Publications
eSTAR: intelligent observing and rapid responses, Allan, Alasdair; Naylor, Tim; Steele, Iain A.; Jenness, Tim; Cavanagh, Brad; Economou, Frossie; Saunders, Eric; Adamson, Andy; Etherton, Jason; Mottram, Chris ; Advanced Software, Control, and Communication Systems for Astronomy. Edited by Lewis, Hilton; Raffi, Gianni. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 5496, pp. 313-322 (2004).
Observer versus software engineer: The dawn of the armchair astronomers, Economou, F.; Jenness, T.; Delorey, K. K.; Cavanagh, B.; de Witt, S.; Allan, A. ; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) XIII, Proceedings of the conference held 12-15 October, 2003 in Strasbourg, France. Edited by Francois Ochsenbein, Mark G. Allen and Daniel Egret. ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 314. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2004., p.755
eSTAR: Astronomers, Agents and when Robotic Telescopes aren't..., Allan, A.; Naylor, T.; Steele, I.; Carter, D.; Jenness, T.; Economou, F.; Adamson, A. ; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) XIII, Proceedings of the conference held 12-15 October, 2003 in Strasbourg, France. Edited by Francois Ochsenbein, Mark G. Allen and Daniel Egret. ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 314. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2004., p.597
e-Star: Telescopes and Databases as a Single Information Grid, Naylor, Tim; Steele, Iain; Carter, Dave; Allan, Alasdair; Etherton, Jason; Mottram, Chris ; Toward an International Virtual Observatory: Proceedings of the ESO/ESA/NASA/NSF Conference Held at Garching, Germany, 10-14 June 2002, ESO ASTROPHYSICS SYMPOSIA. ISBN 3-540-21001-6. Edited by P.J. Quinn and K.M. Górski. Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg, 2004, p. 167
2003 ( 2 other)
Refereed Publications
No refereed publications.
Other Publications
Source Code Management and Software Distribution using Open Source Technologies, Bly, M. J.; Allan, A.; Jenness, T.; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XII ASP Conference Series, Vol. 295, 2003 H. E. Payne, R. I. Jedrzejewski, and R. N. Hook, eds., p.373
eSTAR: Building an Observational GRID, Allan, A.; Naylor, N.; Steele, I.; Carter, D.; Etherton, J.; Mottram, C.; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XII ASP Conference Series, Vol. 295, 2003 H. E. Payne, R. I. Jedrzejewski, and R. N. Hook, eds., p.13
2002 ( 2 other)
Refereed Publications
No refereed publications.
Other Publications
Starlink Software Developments, Bly, Martin J.; Chipperfield, Alan J.; Giaretta, David L.; Graffagnino, Vito G.; McIlwrath, Brian K.; Platon, Roy T.; Wallace, Patrick T.; Allan, Alasdair; Berry, David S.; Davenhall, Clive; Draper, Peter W.; Gray, Norman; Jenness, Tim; Taylor, Mark B. ; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XI, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 281. Edited by David A. Bohlender, Daniel Durand, and Thomas H. Handley. ISBN: 1-58381-124-9. ISSN: 1080-7926. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2002, p. 513.
Generic Data Pipelining Using ORAC-DR, Allan, Alasdair; Jenness, Tim; Economou, Frossie; Currie, Malcolm J.; Bly, Martin J. ; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XI, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 281. Edited by David A. Bohlender, Daniel Durand, and Thomas H. Handley. ISBN: 1-58381-124-9. ISSN: 1080-7926. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2002, p. 311.
2001 ( 1 other)
Refereed Publications
No refereed publications.
Other Publications
IFU Data Products and Reduction Software, Allan, A.; Allington-Smith, J.; Turner, J.; Johnson, R.; Miller, B.; Valdes, F. G. ; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems X, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 238. Edited by F. R. Harnden, Jr., Francis A. Primini, and Harry E. Payne. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, ISSN: 1080-7926, 2001., p.459
2000 ( 3 other)
Refereed Publications
No refereed publications.
Other Publications
Irradiation in cataclysmic variables, Webb, N.A.; Naylor, T.; Worraker, W.J.; Stull J.; Allan, A.; Fried, R.; James, N.D.; Stange, D.; Cataclysmic Variables, Proceedings of Symposium in Honour of Prof. Brian Warner, held 12-16 April, 2000, in Oxford, UK, Charles P.A., O'Donoghue D. (eds), New Astronomy Reviews, 2000, 44, P15-16
Irradiation of IP Peg - spiral arms, Webb, N.A.; Naylor, T.; Worraker, W.J.; Stull J.; Allan, A.; Fried, R.; James, N.D.; Stange, D.; Cataclysmic Variables, Proceedings of Symposium in Honour of Prof. Brian Warner, held 12-16 April, 2000, in Oxford, UK, Charles P.A., O'Donoghue D. (eds), New Astronomy Reviews, 2000, 44, P17-18
YY Dra and V709 Cass: two intermediate polars with weak magnetic fields, Norton, A.J.; Beardmore, A.P.; Allan, A.; Hellier, C.; Cataclysmic Variables, Proceedings of Symposium in Honour of Prof. Brian Warner, held 12-16 April, 2000, in Oxford, UK, Charles P.A., O'Donoghue D. (eds), New Astronomy Reviews, 2000, 44, P41-42
1999 (2 refereed, 2 other)
Refereed Publications
A spatially resolved `inside-out' outburst of IP Pegasi, Webb, N. A.; Naylor, T.; Ioannou, Z.; Worraker, W. J.; Stull, J.; Allan, A.; Fried, R.; James, N. D.; Strange, D.; Monthly Notices, Volume 310, Issue 2, pp. 407-413.
YY Draconis and V709 Cassiopeiae: two intermediate polars with weak magnetic fields, Norton, A. J.; Beardmore, A. P.; Allan, A.; Hellier, C.; Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.347, p.203-211 (1999)
Other Publications
Multi-Wavelength Observations of Intermediate Polars, Allan, Alasdair; Ph.D. Thesis Keele Univ. (England)
Optical spectroscopy of the intermediate polar RX J1238-38:evidence for disc overflow?, Allan, Alasdair; Hellier, Coel; Buckley, David A. H.; Annapolis Workshop on Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables, ASP Conference Series, Volume 157, edited by Coel Hellier and Koji Mukai, 1999, p. 57
1998 (1 refereed)
Refereed Publications
ASCA X-ray observations of EX Hya - Spin-resolved spectroscopy, Allan, Alasdair; Hellier, Coel; Beardmore, Andrew; Royal Astronomical Society, Monthly Notices, vol. 295, p. 167
Other Publications
No other publications.
No publications.
1996 (2 refereed, 2 other)
Refereed Publications
Infrared photometry of the intermediate polar XYArietis (H0253+193), Allan, Alasdair; Hellier, Coel; Ramseyer, Tod F.; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 282, Issue 2, pp. 699-703.
The spin period of the intermediate polar RX J0558+53., Allan, A.; Horne, K.; Hellier, C.; Mukai, K.; Barwig, H.; Bennie, P. J.; Hilditch, R. W. ; Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., Vol. 279, No. 4, p. 1345 - 1348
Other Publications
GRO J1655-40, Horne, K.; Harlaftis, E. T.; Baptista, R.; Hellier, C.; Allan, A.; Johnston, H.; Patterson, J.; Kemp, J.; Haswell, C.; Chen, W.; IAU Circ., 6406, 2 (1996). Edited by Green, D. W. E.
Spin-resolved H-alpha spectroscopy and photometry of the intermediate polar RX J0558+5353, Duck, S. R.; Still, M. D.; Allan, A.; et al.; Cataclysmic variables and related objects. Astrophysics and Space Science Library; Proceedings of the 158th colloquium of the International Astronomical Union (IAU); held at Keele; United Kingdom; June 26-30; 1995; Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers; |c1996; edited by A. Evans and Janet H. Wood, p.177
1995 ( 1 other)
Refereed Publications
No refereed publications.
Other Publications
RX J0558+53, Allan, A.; Horne, K.; Hilditch, R. W.; IAU Circ., 6154, 2 (1995). Edited by Green, D. W. E.