Spectropolarimetry of O supergiants
Harries, T.J., Howarth, I.D., Evans, C.J.
2002, MNRAS, (in press)
The magnetic field and wind confinement of theta 1 Orionis C
Donati, J.-F., Babel, J., Harries, T.J., Howarth, I.D., Petit, P.,
Semel, M.
2002, MNRAS, 333, 55
The magnetic field and wind confinement of beta Cephei: new clues for
interpreting the Be phenomenon?
Donati, J.-F., Wade, G.A., Babel, J., Henrichs, H.F., de Jong, J.A.,
Harries, T.J.
2001, MNRAS, 326, 1265
H-alpha spectrpolarimetry of the Herbig Ae star AB Aurigae
Pontefract, M., Drew, J.E., Harries, T.J., Oudmaijer, R.D.
2000, MNRAS, 319, 19L
Spectropolarimetric orbits of symbiotic stars: Five S-type systems
Harries, T.J., Howarth, I.D.
2000, A&A, 361, 139
The polarized spectrum of the WC+O star binary WR137
Harries, T.J., Babler, B.L., Fox, G.K.
2000, A&A, 361, 273
Synthetic line profiles of rotationally-distorted hot-star winds
Harries, T.J.
2000, MNRAS, 315, 722
Discovery of the variable phase-locked polarization in LZ Cep
Berdyugin, A.V., Harries, T.J.
1999, A&A, 352, 177
The intrinsic and interstellar polarizations of EZ CMa
Harries, T.J., Howarth, I.D., Schulte-Ladbeck, R.E., Hillier, D.J.
1999, MNRAS, 302, 499
A spectropolarimetric survey of northern hemisphere Wolf-Rayet stars
Harries, T.J., Hillier, D.J., Howarth, I.D.
1998, MNRAS, 296, 1072
Light-curve analysis and eclipse mapping of the contact binaries KQ Gem and V412 Her
Hilditch, R.W., Bell, S.A., Hill, G., Harries, T.J.
1998, MNRAS, 296, 100
Interacting OB star binaries: LZ Cep, SZ Cam and IU Aur
Harries, T.J., Hilditch, R.W., Hill, G.
1998, MNRAS, 295, 386
Detached and interacting OB star binaries
Harries, T.J., Hilditch, R.W.
1998, Boulder-Munich II: Properties of Hot, Luminous Stars, I. Howarth (ed), ASP Conference Series, Vol. 131. p. 401
Time-series spectropolarimetry of the short-period WR+O star binary CQ Cephei
Harries, T.J., Hilditch, R.W.
1997, MNRAS, 291, 544
Interacting O-star binaries: V382 Cyg, V448 Cyg and XZ Cep
Harries, T.J., Hilditch, R.W., Hill, G.
1997, MNRAS, 285, 277
Six years of spectroscopic and spectropolarimetric monitoring of AG Car
Schulte-Ladbeck, R.E., Schmid, H.M., Meade, M.R., Harries, T.J., Lupie, O.L., Bjorkman, K.S.
1997, in "Luminous Blue Variables - Massive stars in transition", ASP Conf. Series 120, Nota and Lamers (eds), pg. 113
Raman scattering in symbiotic stars II. Numerical models
Harries, T.J., Howarth, I.D.
1997, A&AS, 121, 15
Accretion-disk reflection of the bipolar wind of BI Crucis
Harries, T.J.
1996, A&A, 315, 499
Spectropolarimetry as a Probe of Stellar Winds
Harries, T.J.
1996, abstract of contribution to the Glasgow CCP7 meeting
New masses for the O-type binary DH Cep, and the temperatures
of O-stars
Hilditch, R.W., Harries, T.J., Bell, S.A.
1996, A&A, 314, 165
POLMAP An interactive data analysis package for linear spectropolarimetry
Harries, T.J.
1996, PPARC Starlink User Note, No. 204
Raman scattering in symbiotic stars I. Spectropolarimetric observations
Harries, T.J., Howarth, I.D.
1996, A&AS, 119, 61
Linear spectropolarimetry of the H-alpha emission line of Zeta Puppis
Harries, T.J., Howarth, I.D.
1996, A&A, 310, 533
Spectropolarimetric orbits of symbiotic stars: SY Mus
Harries, T.J., Howarth, I.D.
1996, A&A, 310, 235
On the reflection effect in 3 binary sdO stars
Hilditch, R.W., Harries, T.J., Hill, G.
1996, MNRAS, 279, 1380-1392
- Spectropolarimetry of a probe of stellar winds
Harries, T.J.
1995, PhD Thesis, University of London, 260 pp.
The IUE MEGA campaign. Wind variability and rotation
in early-type stars
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Spectropolarimetric observations of WR 137
Harries, T.J., Howarth, I.D.
1994, Astrophysics and Space Science, 221, 365-367
The axisymmetrical stellar wind of AG Carinae
Schulte-Ladbeck, R.E., Clayton, G.C., Hillier, D.J., Harries,
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1994, ApJ, 429, 846-856
- Ultraviolet emission-line variability in 3C273
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1991, Lecture Notes in Physics, 337, 247
Ultraviolet emission-line variability in 3C273
O'Brien, P.T., Harries, T. J.
1991, MNRAS, 250, 133