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The first example movie starts at the top of the atmosphere and allows the simulation to run for ~100 Earth days. Then we rotate around the planet and settle on the terminator. After this the movie dives deeper into the atmosphere to around 0.1 bar and allows the simulation to run for a few hundred more days, followed by another rotation around the planet. Then we dive even deeper to 100 bar, and allow the simulation to evolve (and rotate around the planet). Finally we rise up through the planet to the top of the atmosphere again.


The movie is availabe in .avi format here .
The movie is availabe in .mpg format
here .


The second example movie is the same as above excepting that we dive more slowly through the atmosphere and only dive to a pressure of 5 bar (as opposed to 100 bar) at the deepest level.


The movie is availabe in .avi format here .
The movie is availabe in .mpg format
here .


The third example movie is the same as above excepting that we pan and move much faster (i.e. fewer frames), and we also use height coordinates, so you view iso-height surfaces not along isobaric surfaces.


The movie is availabe in .avi format here .
The movie is availabe in .mpg format
here .


This example is the same as the "Improved" version but the timings are a little better.


The movie is availabe in .avi format here .
The movie is availabe in .mpg format
here .

Weak Gravity (g=7.8)

This example is the same as the "Improved" version but the gravity is set to a constant of 7.8 (approximately the value at 100Pa).


The movie is availabe in .avi format here .
The movie is availabe in .mpg format
here .

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